Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 January 2010 - 31 October 2011
WPs concerned:
WP 4 - Exploitation

Objectives of activities carried out:
Objective: valorize the project experience:
Insertion of the LeTS portal in the Education and Training Planning of each of the school and training centre involved.
Promotion of the insertion of the LeTS portal in the national education and training systems
Promotion of links towards the Lets Portal

Description of activities carried out:
Activities carried out
Inclusion by each of the project partners, of the Lets Portal among the internal in service training sources of 5 schools and 3 training institutions
Involving 3 national public bodies from education and training, who joined the project as associate partner filling in the Associate partner form. They will be also inserted as Associate Partners on the project web site
Promotion of the Lets Portal with national education and training web sites and publication of a link from the interested web sites to the Lets Portal: 10 links made to the Lets Go project from each of the project partners
Active Involvement in the Project Related Conference. Promotion of the Conference on the Application of New Technologies to Language Learning held in Florence on: 11 – 12 November 2010

Letters from 5 national schools and 3 training institutions stating the inclusion of the Lets Portal among the sources used for in service teachers/trainers training
3 Associate Partners’ forms from 3 national public bodies involved in education and training: QUEST Romania, MATE (Moldavian Association of Teachers of English), Casa Corpului Didactic Iasi (teacher training centre)

5 letters of participation in the project from 5 associated partners involved in education and training: Centrul de Limbi Moderne "ACCESS Language Centre“ Cluj, British Council Iasi, Edrocast SRL Iasi, Action Synergy SA Greece, Soros International House Vilnius, Lithuania
10 links made to the Lets Portal from educational and training web sites (EuroED Foundation Iasi, Soros Educational Centre Miercurea Ciuc, Prosper ASE Language Centre Bucuresti, Liceul Dimitrie Cantemir Iasi, Liceul Vasile Alecsandri Iasi, Liceul Administrativ Economic Iasi, Casa Corpului Didactic Iasi, Scoala Nr 8 Barlad, Colegiul Emil Racovita Iasi, Liceul Informatica Iasi)
Participating in the conference in Florence 11-12 November 2010
Production of Project Exploitation Report

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
Interest in the project shown by the contacted institutions.
5 schools and 3 training agencies stated their willingness to continue to use the LeTS Portal.
5 associated partners officially joined the project.
3 public bodies supported the project with an official letter.
10 links to the project site

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