Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2009 - 31 October 2011
WPs concerned:
WP 4 - Exploitation

Objectives of activities carried out:
Finding schools and public bodies to link to the LeTS GO Portal.
Promotion of LeTS GO.

Description of activities carried out:
We have contacted 727 schools and training organisations including the ministry of education to become involved in the project by mail, phone calls and meetings.
We have addressed people at conferences and talked to them personally.

We have only received a few school participation letters as most of the organisations have free lance teachers they work with.
We have triggered interest at numerous conferences and events in the LeTS GO Portal and traing courses.
We could interest partner organisations from Universities, Commercial sector and private training sector to become associate partners, link to the LeTS GO portal in order to exploit the training packages and portal after the project`s life time.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The institutions that were contacted showed great interest in the project, even though they did not want to be obliged to run courses on the platform especially since the equipment in schools is poor.
However we were able to find institutions in Europe that were very interested in the portal and some who have not signed a letter of interest will use and disseminate the portal nontheless.