Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
20 January 2010 - 31 October 2010
WPs concerned:
WP 3 - Delivery of Courses

Objectives of activities carried out:
Activity 3.1
These are the expected results of the activity:
- 1 classroom course delivered to introduce the distance course
- Assistance to the trainees during the distance course
- 1 classroom meeting to participate, with trainees, in the distance meeting
- 30 presentation of experiences carried out in the application of e-learning to language teaching by each of the teachers and trainers involved.
- Report on the delivery of the course (register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)

Description of activities carried out:
Today, thursday, 29th April 2010, has started the first class of the course O. The lessons have been held in SSTI (scuola superiore di tecnologie industriali), inside a room with all the necessary equipment for the correct development of the course. Every participant that has been present today has worked on a computer with internet and Office package. The teacher, Paola Gherardelli, has introduced the course to the participants, has explained nature and benefits of e-learning and provided some examples. Then the participants have experimented the notions working on powerpoint and have started writing the expected presentations of experiences carried out in the application of e-learning.

The participants have started to write their report on an experience of e-larning. The next time the documents will be given to Cosefi and the teacher will examine the results.

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
For many participants this was the first lesson on e-learning concepts. Some others, instead, knew already some basic notions. In any case, all of them confirmed their interest in the course and their will to deepen the object. The next three lessons have already been scheduled. The teacher, Paola Gherardelli, will keep in contact with the participants until the next meeting, as a constant support to their work at home, on the platform Lets.