Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 October 2009 - 31 October 2011
WPs concerned:
WP 3 - Delivery of Courses

Objectives of activities carried out:
Transnational coordination of the training activity and creation of tools and formats for the carrying out of the activities of this Work Package

Description of activities carried out:
The Work Package is divided in 5 sub workpackages:
- Work Package 3.1,Course 0 “Introduction to e-learning”
- Work Package 3.2,Course 1 “Research and Evaluation of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.3, Course 2 “Effective Use of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.4, Course 3 “Planning and Creation of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.5, Practical experimentation with students

Pixel has developed a detailed calendar of activities describing partners involved, roles and deadlines.
6 virtual conferences and 1 face to face meeting, managed by Silabo, have been organised in order to explain the contents of Course 0, 1, 2 and 3.
The deilvery of Courses 0, 1, 2 and 3 with teachers and trainers has been carried out.

The new e-experience have been uploaded on the LeTS Portal.

The new e-evaluation of e-learning products have been uploaded on the LeTS Portal.

The e-learning courses have been created by teachers and trainers and are now available on the LeTS Portal.

The experimentation with students have been carried out and the reports have been uploaded on the web site

The following forms have been developed:
- WP3.0.1 Distance Meetings Tool
- WP3.0.2 Format Report on the Delivery of Courses
- WP3.0.3 List of participants
- WP3.1 Form for the Presentation of Experience
- WP3.2 Form for the evaluation of Products
- WP3.4 Course Description
- WP3.4.1 Template for the creation of the e-learning based course
- WP3.4.2 Guidelines for the use of software
- WP3.5.1 Portal experimentation questionnaire
- WP3.5.2 Portal Experimentation
- WP3.5.3 Portal Experimentation Report Guidelines
- WP3.6 Teachers and trainers certificate
- WP3.7 Testimonials

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been completed in line with the scheduled timeline.