Lifelong Learning ProgrammeThis project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Work in progress

Partners' Institution:
Project's period (from/to):
01 January 2010 - 31 October 2011
WPs concerned:
WP 3 - Delivery of Courses

Objectives of activities carried out:
The main objectives of the activities carried out by EuroEd Foundation can be grouped into the following main categories:
-to organise and deliver courses 0,1, 2 and 3:
- Work Package 3.1,Course 0 “Introduction to e-learning”
- Work Package 3.2,Course 1 “Research and Evaluation of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.3, Course 2 “Effective Use of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.4, Course 3 “Planning and Creation of e-learning based materials for language teaching and learning”
- Work Package 3.5, Practical experimentation with students

Participation in 6 virtual conferences and 1 face to face meeting, managed by Silabo, in order to explain the contents of Course 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Uploading relevant information on the project platform

The delivery of Courses 0, 1, 2 and 3 with teachers and trainers has been carried out.

The new e-experiences have been uploaded on the LeTS Portal.

The new e-evaluation of e-learning products have been uploaded on the LeTS Portal.

The e-learning courses have been created by teachers and trainers and are now available on the LeTS Portal.

The experimentation with students have been carried out and the reports have been uploaded on the web site.

Description of activities carried out:
Delivery of Courses and Practical Activities

Organization and delivery of course 0, 1, 2 (15th May, 1st june, 6th September;meetings to evaluate the skills acquired
Assistance to the trainees during the distance course
Participation in the virtual project meetings organized among the teachers/trainers on the topic; feedback from trainees

Upload of relevant information on the project platform

Upload on the project portal 30 e-experinece of teachers and trainers
Upload on the project portal 60 evaluations of e-learning based products (2 products evaluated by each participating teacher/trainer)

Organization and delivery of courses 0,1,2, 3 delivered in blended learning method to the teachers and trainers involved in the project.
Assistance to the trainees during the distance courses
Production of the e-learning product-English for international tourism
Upload the e-learning product
Practical experimentation of the e-learning materials with students
4 Reports on the delivery of courses (register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)
Certificates of attendance in the workshops were created, printed and distributed to the teachers and students according to the template provided by the project promoter.

30 presentations of experiences carried out in the application of e-learning to language teaching by each of the teachers and trainers involved

60 e-learning based products evaluated (2 products evaluated by each participating teacher/trainer

1 e-learning based course for language learning: English for international tourism
1 guide to the use of the produced course


Report on the delivery of Course 0 (register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)

Report on the delivery of Course 1(register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)

Report on the delivery of Course 2(register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)
Report on the delivery of Course 3(register, list of participants, signatures, report, evaluation, pictures, material delivered)
- WP3.5.3 Portal Experimentation Report
- WP3.6 Teachers and trainers certificate
- WP3.7 Testimonials

Evaluation of the work undertaken:
The activities have been completed in line with the scheduled timeline.

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